Elgin Candid Pro Aligners

You must see a licensed dentist if you want CandidPro aligners. First, Dr. Sirin will complete your oral examination to see whether you are a candidate. If you are, the process continues with these steps:

  • Dr. Sirin will take digital scans, photos and x-rays of your teeth and send them to Candid.
  • An orthodontist will receive your x-rays and work with Dr. Sirin to achieve your desired result.
  • After the aligners are fabricated, Dr. Sirin and his team will go over the use of your aligners and the digital teeth scanner for remote monitoring.
  • Using the digital monitor, you will scan your teeth for Dr. Sirin and the orthodontic team at Candid to check progress and adjust treatment if needed.
  • The orthodontist will use CandidApp to tell you when to switch to a new set of aligners.
  • Unlike Invisalign, Candid aligners do not require buttons attached to you teeth, trimming your teeth to make space, or in-office visits unless you need our help with treatment tracking.
  • After you complete treatment, your smile will be beautifully aligned.
  • You will need a custom retainer to keep your teeth aligned, so Dr. Sirin will take a final scan of your teeth for Candid to make your retainer.

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We look forward to meeting you.
Call (847) 742-1330 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.