CandidPro Frequently Asked Questions

CandidPro aligners kit

If you are interested in CandidPro, you may have questions about the aligners and what to expect with the process. Below are frequently asked questions and answers about Candid.

How Much Does CandidPro Cost?

The average cost of CandiPro treatment, supervised by your dentist and a Candid orthodontist, is about $5,000, but each case is different. Your price may be between $,1500 and $8,000 but will depend on the complexity and length of your case, how many aligners you need, and dental fees in your area.

Does Dental Insurance Cover CandidPro?

Some insurance companies that provide orthodontic benefits are in-network with Candid and offer benefits toward your aligners. Visit Candid’s website to see if they are in-network with your dental insurance company. If your dental insurance company is not on the list, contact them anyway to confirm your benefits.

Do Candid Aligners Work?

Candid aligners work for mild to moderate orthodontic cases. Candid works for issues with your bite, spacing, and teeth alignment.

How Do Candid Aligners Work?

Candid aligners gently and gradually move your teeth to a new position with a series of custom aligners. A CandidPro orthodontist will work with your dentist to customize your treatment plan. You will enjoy the convenience of remote checkups.

Are Candid Aligners Safe?

Candid aligners are orthodontist-supervised and a safe way to straighten your teeth and meet your smile goals.

How Long Does It Take to Get Your Aligners from Candid?

Generally, Candid will send your aligners within three weeks. Each patient’s case is different, so wait times vary.

Can You Eat with Candid Aligners?

You can eat while wearing Candid aligners, but some patients enjoy eating more by removing them. If you choose to eat while wearing the aligners, remove and rinse them afterward. Then, brush and floss your teeth, rinse your mouth well to remove any residue, and wear your aligners again. Also, avoid scorching hot foods or drinks while wearing the aligners to prevent distorting them.

How Do You Clean Candid Aligners?

You can clean Candid aligners by removing them and using a toothbrush free of toothpaste. Some patients use one toothbrush for their teeth and another for their Candid aligners. Brush and rinse the aligners thoroughly. You may also soak the aligners in low-strength hydrogen peroxide.

Stay away from the toothpaste for cleaning your aligners. The abrasive particles in toothpaste may scratch the aligner material and give bacteria a place to grow.

Is Candid as Good as Invisalign?

CandidPro treats the same mild to moderate cases that Invisalign can treat. Your dentist and a Candid orthodontist will explain the results you can expect with Candid. If your treatment is complex, your dentist can discuss alternatives.

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